Build 05-22-24 - Demo 4

hello! i said i would cut a new demo soon and today is the day. this demo includes the tutorial, two levels, and a host of changes.


  • levels now have a splash screen and a ranking screen that totals your performance at the end of a level. try for a swoocin' rank!
  • new hud graphics and some other graphical improvements
  • level 2 is complete! this one involves switches, i hope you like it
  • a new enemy: batdraft! he flies in place and will chase you around if you get too close!
  • kicking enemies now behaves more consistently and plays a new animation. please enjoy kicking enemies into each other.
  • firehose shots will now fully extend to their maximum distance instead of based on how long the button is held.
  • you can now find safety biscuits scattered throughout the levels. collect one to get a health boost!
  • difficulty settings now affect spawn points of enemies and items
  • you can now rebind keyboard controls from the controls menu (it doesn't save yet)
  • dogs have names now


  • fixed getting stuck on walls and poles after walking off a ledge without jumping, for real this time
  • fixed a comparison with the idle timer that caused callie to bark non-stop instead of barking in short bursts
  • fixed facing the wrong direction when shooting horizontally while leaning on a pole
  • fixed ledge grabs testing for an unoccupied space in the wrong location, which made ledge grabbing either always or never succeed based on the room you were standing in
  • fixed being able to fly by jumping on an enemy with no x velocity
  • fixed somersaulting uncontrollably up stairs or ramps if you landed on one from a backflip with a jump arc tangential to the slope
  • fixed restarting a level from the pause menu loading an empty scene if the current level wasn't already cached
  • (hopefully) fixed shader precaching being deferred until the shaders are used on-screen, leading to huge slowdown the first time fire was loaded
  • fixed fire spawners entering an invalid state if you leave the room while fires are being put out.

unquantifiable miscellanea

  • all difficulties are now easier. the base time limit has been increased from 3.5 minutes to 8 minutes, and base hp has been increased from 6 to 8. with a scoring system in place, this allows players more freedom to explore and play in the levels
  • some changes to the tutorial and level 1 to make it easier to deal with the enemy placement
  • the flashing effects option affects also flashing hud elements, such as the water meter
  • scrolling between rooms is now handled by animations instead of the default camera handler


May 22, 2024

Get FireDog: Swooce & Rescue

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