Build 08-05-2024 (0.5.1) - SAGE Demo!

here it is! the build i'm submitting for sage. this doesn't add any new content but fixes a bunch of bugs from the previous build.

changes / fixes

  • updated the key bindings screen for controller users so as to not softlock them
  • the boss ui now scales properly to a 4:3 resolution, and the camera will now lock to the center of the arena
  • added some animations and effects to the boss hp bar
  • added a button prompt to signposts
  • added an indicator to unpressed buttons and made them brighter
  • moved the safety biscuits in the tutorial so they appear earlier
  • you can now jump while shooting
  • fixed special keys (such as volume dials) pausing the game (requires reverting your key binds to default)
  • fixed some canned animations not ending the hurt state, causing the player to be eternally on fire but invulnerable
  • fixed being unable to kick more than once underwater
  • fixed ledge grabbing not triggering certain landing effects, such as refreshing your last grabbed wall
  • fixed enemies that haven't yet spawned in a room blocking other enemies but not being properly stunned when hit with an object from off screen
  • fixed batdraft having a different maximum slope angle than other enemies, meaning they couldn't be defeated by being kicked into slopes
  • fixed callie's invulnerability flashing animations pausing while reading signs
  • fixed being unable to skip the opening logos with a controller
  • updated some tutorial messages


Firedog 0.5.1 (SAGE DEMO) 36 MB
43 days ago

Get FireDog: Swooce & Rescue

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