Update 07-01-24

i forgot that i can share progress here without just pushing builds. hi! i took some time off last month to try out nextfest games and get some more ideas. i have been hard at work on a major update that will come out sometime soon, but i'd like to add a nice little capstone to the demo. my goal is to have a complete 1-world demo in time for sage in august, although i will probably cut level 5 from those plans. who knows? here's some info

level 4

slip and slide through the dog city ice cube factory in this "super cool" level. this and level 3 are technically optional, you'll have to complete one of them to unlock level 5 and the boss. i really wanted to make ice fun rather than annoying, so while you're sliding you can also exceed the normal speed limits for walking and using the hose.

get familiar with the new "icinguisher" which instantly defeats enemies and turns them into harmless ice cubes. it's shorter range than your hose, but fires in a cone and can shoot through walls. very effective for taking out enemies in open areas or clearing out fires on platforms above or below you.

high scores

when you're on the world map, you'll now see your completion and best time for a given level. these are saved per-difficulty, so getting an S rank on relaxed does not count for extra spicy. there's also a secret third thing here!

secret cartridges

these cryptic devices contain some form of "data" we can use to learn more about the arsoneko's plans. some players may have discovered secret areas in the game that don't seem to serve a purpose - now they do! collect the secret cartridge hidden in every stage to unlock a challenging bonus level. you'll need to explore each level thoroughly to collect them all!

that bonus level

a little peek at the secret level. this one's a real test of your firedog skills as you keep your cool through an obstacle course of all the mechanics so far. you'll need to use everything you've learned to even make it through. even with an increased time limit, you'll be hard pressed to get through everything quickly. be warned: it's significantly longer and more challenging than any level before it.

Get FireDog: Swooce & Rescue

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