Build 04-29-24 - Demo 2

hello! this build is the second one i feel like uploading semi-publicly, so i will catalogue some changes and thoughts regarding it

New Stuff

  • background graphics have been revamped
  • completely new tutorial stage with the revamped tiles and mechanics
  • fire now generates smoke on the ceiling above it, which renders you less maneuverable
  • initial controller support (no instructions but there's two buttons so you'll figure it out)
  • you can now grab ledges if you wall grab at the top of a wall
  • pause screen (esc or start)
  • stairs you can walk up and down
  • buttons and doors
  • you can now hold the jump button after landing to charge a backflip. the old input still works and is referred to as a "quick flip"

Fixes & Changes

  • dash speed threshold was reduced
  • maximum walking speed increased slightly
  • deceleration while skidding was reduced

these changes combined increase the window to input a quick flip while skidding from 10-12 frames to about 30, making it much easier to pull off on controller

  • holding down while jumping from a wall grab or pole grab no longer does a shorthop

wall jumping force is now consistent. to drop from a wall, you can shoot up or down to detach.

  • all particle effects (except smoke) should now be pixel-aligned
  • kicking enemies now applies force based on how quickly you were going instead of applying a fixed force
  • fuegato should now properly clean up all their fires when defeated
  • fire spawners now remember which fires you put out instead of respawning them randomly
  • tons of fixes in the movement controller


this build brings us from a prototype stage to an official alpha. we now have most of a game, all that's left is to build the content for it, and the menus of course. the core level experience though? that's basically done barring any minor refinements.

this is the fourth tutorial i've built for this game, hopefully it's the last major iteration until the game is done. i included some playground areas to let players mess with the mechanics more when they learn a new lesson. rather than an advanced course, i attached a practice area (which i may just make into its own level later). the only thing i don't like about this new tutorial is that the introduction to static fires and enemies is more dangerous than you'd expect for a training area.

the next build should include a menu and a couple real levels, with a timer. i've been thinking about accessibility options as well. i'd like to get some key things like a slower game speed and removing flashing effects implemented.


Firedog 04-29-24.7z (PREVIOUS BUILD) 18 MB
Apr 29, 2024

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